
10 Secrets for professional looking indoor plants:

  1.  Water once a week preferably on the same day.  Plants love consistency and a regular wet/dry cycle will help your indoor plant stay healthy and strong.
  2. Dust Regularly,  Plants are the original Air filters that love absorbing toxins and Volatile Organic Compounds in the air.  Dusting allows for better respiration and a healthier happier plant.
  3. Remove any yellowing or dying leaves.  Plants allocate energy and resources to dying parts which can take away from the overall health of the plant.  Many plants naturally drop leaves, but unusual yellowing or browning could mean there is a problem.  A lot of times it is water related- either too much or too little.
  4. Use a saucer.  Plants love water at their roots and there is no better way to get moisture to a plant than through a saucer.  Not to mention, the protective element for your floors and the additional moisture your plants will have to make it through the week.
  5. Add a moss, rock, or bark covering.  To give it that professional look, add any number of coverings to the top of the plant to disguise the soil and make the plant look more finished.
  6. Make sure it has light, but not too much.  Lighting can be attained by our normal indoor lighting elements or the sun.  Be careful cause Plants can get sunburn too.  Check the temperature if your indoor plant is in full sun, as this may cause browning.
  7. Plants can get sick too, check for disease or pests weekly to avoid loosing your beloved indoor plant.  Diseases or pests can be easily prevented if caught early before full infestation takes over.  Common things to look for are gooey leaves, white webs, small barely noticeable bugs and general plant discomfort.
  8. Plants like spa treatments, hand clean or spray with a plant cleaner to give your plant a spa day once a month.  This keeps them shiny and glowing.
  9. A plant has four sides and all of them like to have sun or light.  Many times plants are used in corners, so give your plant a spin every once in a while to change up the view for those leaves hanging out on the dark side.
  10. Make sure you have a sturdy container or planter to help add that professional touch.  Planters are a great foundation and design element that can change your plant from drab to fab.

Well there you have it, the 10 secrets for professional looking indoor plants.  Now go give your plant some love and if you don’t have one give us a call (214)752-5750, and we’ll make sure you get a plant right for you.

For more information on where to find Indoor Tropical Plants and Supplies check out where we shop for all of your interior landscape needs.